
Manufacturing Services

Manufacturing Services

Manufacturing Services (Shelter)


CM3 Manufacturing helps companies from the United States and Canada migrate their manufacturing services to Mexico (Shelter), generating a savings impact of at least 25% of their cost of sales, while significantly increasing their profit margin. This applies to companies that are in the red and companies that simply want to increase their profit margin.


The shelter company is responsible for leasing facility, hiring, paying taxes, paying employees, doing import & export activities, and getting all the permits and licenses needed. A shelter partner will help avoid delays and headaches while doing business in Mexico.


Given the significant manufacturing advantages in Mexico, an increasing number of companies are exploring avenues to expand their operations south of the border. The most effective approach to ensure a smooth and efficient establishment of a new facility is by utilizing the services of a shelter provider.


Collaborating with a shelter partner involves a manufacturing company operating within the shelter’s established IMMEX/MAQUILADORA program, offering the quickest and safest route to initiate operations. While some manufacturers operate under the legal entity or corporation umbrella of the shelter company for compliance reasons, each manufacturer maintains its independent operations, complete with individual facility lease agreements, labor contracts, and operational guidelines.


Manufacturing Services (Contact Manufacturing)


Avoid paying high import fees/taxes and dealing with long delays from parts built in China. Through the IMMEX program, you can avoid paying fees/taxes for exporting temporality the raw materials of your product to a country outside of the USA and paying fees/taxes for importing the finished goods back to USA. Now, that all the import fees and taxes to USA have significantly increased, this is a way for your company to reduce the labor cost and increase at the same time your profit margin.


Advisory and Services


Explore our specialized Accounting Advisory Services tailored for US companies engaged in manufacturing operations in Mexico. Our comprehensive suite of solutions ensures seamless financial management, compliance, and strategic guidance in navigating the complexities of cross-border operations. From regulatory compliance to cost accounting optimization, we provide expertise to drive efficiency and success in your Mexican manufacturing endeavors.

We can help you get where you want to be.